

Freehold Theatre’s Voices from the Edge – bringing you stories from the voices you never hear, where we celebrate the common threads that run through our unique realities.

Episode 3: Arrests
Stories and poems written and performed by inmates from Washington Corrections Center for Women (WCCW), who participated in a five-month theater residency that culminated in a live performance of their work in the spring of 2013 and 2014.

Episode 2: Sisu
Every winter at Washington Corrections Center for Women (WCCW), Freehold theater runs a five month residency focused on healing through storytelling. Using acting games, improv, and writing prompts, the women form an ensemble where they write, produce, and perform an original play inspired by their own stories.

Episode 1: To Destinations Unknown
A presentation of To Destinations Unknown – Taking a Left Turn at Reality. Written and performed by inmates from Washington’s Monroe Correctional Complex (MCC) in April 2013.