1.) Which Character did you play?

I play Niles Harris, preeminent art historian and college professor. 

2.) Name something you love about your character

He is a man who cares deeply about his craft, his students, and his wife, Vita. His struggles during the events of the play show the mettle of a crestfallen man attempting to move forward in the face of oblivion. 

3.) Name something challenging about playing your character

He was a blast to portray, but did present significant challenges as an actor. His mode of speech is florid and verbose to an extreme, he’s 56, he’s married, has a storied career, and is coping with illness. I did my best to place myself in his well worn shoes.

4.) What was your favorite thing about working on Angels Fall?

My favorite part of this whole process has been the collaborative effort with my fellow students. We persevered in uncertain times, through zoom meetings and masked rehearsals, to produce this play. One of the highlights of each class for me was our 15 minute breaks, where we would get to strip off our masks and chat outside in a socially distant semi-circle, about life and the craziness of it all. I will never forget this experience, and those with whom I shared it.

5.) Prior to Rehearsal & Performance, what was your acting background?

A brief rundown of my acting experience is as follows: Freehold, Freehold, Freehold, and, before that, Cherry Crest Elementary School. I arrived at Freehold Theatre two and a half years ago, having had a hunch that I might enjoy reliving my glory days of performing in elementary school plays. I guess you could say I peaked early, playing the titular roll in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in 2nd grade. Thanks in no small part to Freehold, I’ve rediscovered my love of acting and hope to continue growing as an artist and performer.


Angels Fall, by Lanford Wilson premieres Friday, August 21 at 7pm online. Event is free, please register here for your ticket. Please join us in the virtual audience! Angels Fall was directed by David Hsieh, and stars Rex Chang, Raza Mahboob, Margery Muench, Alan Plaster, Karin Rogers, and Amit Rosenberg.